Consultative committees

DataGene has a variety of formal and informal mechanisms that provide stakeholders with input to DataGene’s priorities. Formal governance structures include the Board and Standing Committees.

The Genetic Evaluation Standing Committee and Herd Test Centre Committee meet regularly and make a valued contribution to DataGene policies and activities.

A formal standing committee gives members direct influence over DataGene’s priorities and program activities. This is not simply an advisory body, but exercises authority as delegated by the Board in areas of industry policy and guidelines. It comprises individuals from within the dairy industry and herd improvement sector who possess relevant skills and experiences. Standing Committee members are nominated by stakeholders and appointed by the Board. It is chaired by a member of the DataGene Board and includes at least one member of the DataGene management team.

Genetic Evaluation Standing Committee

The Genetic Evaluation Standing Committee provides advice and recommendations to the DataGene Board on specialist matters in relation to genetic evaluation and related technologies.

Data Access and Standards Standing Committee

The Data Access and Standards Committee provides strategic advice and guidance to stakeholders in the dairy industry, including DataGene. It establishes the guidelines for the operation of the CDR and DataVat and provides advice on the development and implementation of data standards to support industry data sharing.

Herd Test Centre Committee

The primary objective of the Herd Test Centre Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to DataGene in relation to opportunities such as new data sources, new diagnostic analysis, and enhanced software and reporting including HerdPlatform and the Centralised Data Repository (CDR).