Ginfo is Australia’s national reference herd for genetic information. It is a large-scale genotyping project to provide genetic and performance information to increase the reliability of Australian Breeding Values (ABVs) and indices.
The reference population includes more than 150 commercial dairy herds with excellent records. They are located across Australia’s eight dairying regions and include Holstein, Jersey, red breed and crossbreed herds.
Ginfo includes detailed information on more than 50,000 cows including their genotypes, classification scores and performance data from herd testing.
The national reference population was established from 2013-2016 by the then DairyFutures CRC. The addition of Ginfo data contributed to an increase in the reliability of the ABVs and indices, particularly Daughter Fertility ABVs. For example, the reliability of the Balanced Performance Index (BPI) increased by 28% for Holstein sires and 19% for Jersey sires.
DataGene manages the on-going maintenance of the national reference herd with Holstein Australia and Jersey Australia classifying animals.
Ginfo is a collaboration of DataGene, Dairy Australia, Holstein Australia, Jersey Australia and the Victorian government.
For more information please contact, Ginfo Project Officer, ph 0429 471 502 or email.

Ginfo forum attendees – Bendigo March 2023